Saturday, August 29, 2009

Cheers! I am 18. I am still a nobody.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

I was watching the biggest loser moments ago and I was truly wowed by how much the contestants have lost. The least weight lost was ard 20. I don't know, but it's just a huge number, and the difference, OMG! I would have already be lyk Nicole or somewhere near there if I had lost that much. I need their determination man. I need it badly. Or maybe I can have Jil or Bob stay near me and be my trainer. They can fking scold me lyk a dog for all I care. They can really do wonders on the contestants man.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

I just don't understand why can't everyone in the world be rich? At least there won't be sufferings, lyk what I am gng through now. Damn. I just can't stand pple owning branded stuffs and fame while I have nth at all. Demi Lovato is 17 and she has her album topped in itunes. Miley Cyrus is 17 and she has her singles topped in itunes. Emma Watson is 19 and she poses for Burberry and owns a £3 million hse. I am 17, gng on 18 and I have nth under my name, maybe a bank acct which has only $8 plus in it. I mean lyk, wtf is wrg man? We are all around the same age and I have nth. Well, maybe lets not talk abt the fame. I don't even have the looks and figure to start with and what makes it worst? It is to have a loser as a father. Maybe not a total loser, but definitely not a winner. I am struggling hard to even pass a exam. God damn,this is not the life I want. I want to be different. I am running out of time. Someone, will you help?

Friday, August 21, 2009

Dreams, always the best during sleeps but then, it also means that my deep sleeps are not enough. Who cares?! I dreamt of PCD. *SCREAMS*. Ain't that great? The dream I had is so not coming true. Too unrealistic, but, it really did brighten me up and a lil exam stress relieved. I LOVE PCD SO MUCH MUCH MUCH!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

I came out with a conclusion during this thinking period(menses, emo ar). Haha. We humans, shld just stop thinking abt dng smth, but instead, we shld just do it. Life is short, having regrets are not encouragable. Lyk me, I dont wanna stay fat forever. I have to do smth abt it. I really have to. With Nicole as a goal, I really got to do it.

So, she wanted a post specially dedicated to her, and here we go.
She was my junior in netball(for maybe 2mths). It was until I retain then I really got to know her. Initially, all I know abt her was that she is Yongxin's cousin. We started getting real close when we bad mouthed that somebody, not really bad mouthing but more of a complain. She started to cry when I
analyised the whole situation to her. Seriously, deep down inside, I was laughing my ass out. Haha. We became real close and played dai dee almost every lesson. I remember how she tried to hide all the 2s in her deck and make me lose. She is crazy, grouchy, stubborn and really unresonable, but this is what makes her a really nice friend, telling things that you shld not be dng right in your face, scolding you for calling her an asshole and lots of stupid things. Happy Birthday, Sheryl.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I am quite stress abt exams. Haha. It is lyk O lvls, but this one seems worst. I will TRY to study. I watched Devil wears Prada ystd night. It was damn nice, especailly Anne Hathaway. I got a conclusion frm watching the movie. Even if you are wearing the most expensive Prada dress or Jimmy Choo's shoe, without confidence, you will look lyk you are wearing smth from Bugis. My final destination: USA.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Omg. I think my blog is super dead, but Sheryl's is already decomposed. Haha. What's up with me lately? Hmm... I may be gng to Malaysia for a study trip with the sch during Oct. Exam's coming up next week, lucky only 4 papers, but deadly enough. Nxt Monday will be hardcore revision till Friday, which the most killer paper, FASC. Following papers are easy peasy lemon squeezy (learnt it from my class). Btw, my birthday is in 14 days time! Just telling :D, and JQ can you be more patient, we will meet eventually, no worries bitch!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

I know it is not nice to treat her the way we are treating her now. I will try to control. I know it don't feel good to be treated that way. But, she better stop being a pest. If not, I can't control.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Focus is on my crocs that he is wearing

Sch has become a place to look forward to everyday. Although I don't really lyk kawan. But she is only the minor one, plus, I still have our grp to gossip abt her. You won't believe that the gossip grp president is actually a guy. Haha.

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